Guaranteed Car CreditCar finance guaranteed may sound too good to be true. With the car finance specialists it isn't !Guaranteed car credit ensures car finance to those people who are either employed or self employed for more than 16 hours per week. The car finance specialists work with lenders to ensure that we find you the best guaranteed car finance deals available to you. We work with dealers and car finance companies together to finance those loans that are considered too uncertain or risky by the banks. The lenders agree to grant guaranteed car credit on the term that they can take legal action on vehicles, thus vehicles are considered assets if the payments are not met. For guaranteed car credit, interest rates are different and they depend on a client’s credit score. Usually lower annual percentage rates are granted for a satisfactory credit standing, but non-existent or poor credit history is likely to result in a slightly interest rates. Yet you can still obtain car finance. Our current typical apr is just 19.9% and that is if you have bad credit ! It is quite hard to get guaranteed car credit, as there are a lot of car deals for UK customers on the internet. More often than not the process from submission of application is started within minutes after you submit your enquiry and the car finance specialists provide you with a free service to receive guaranteed car credit offers, that have already been approved, prior to you attending your appointment. Similarly, we are likely to be able to provide discounted rates for online applications. We also have access to some lenders who will also provide a credit limit to our customers to buy vehicle of their own choice and from their preferred dealer. Different online companies that deal with car finance quotes can sometimes struggle to get you guaranteed car credit. The car finance specilalists have made it quite easy for you to apply online and receive the approval in the same way as you would if you applied in person. We offer tailor made car finance deals even if you have been refused car finance elsewhere. We also guarantee that all of the car finance deals we offer you, will be no deposit car finance at all times. It can sometimes prove very helpful for you to pay off the finance early without paying any penalties. Everyone knows that getting car credit is not easy at all, that is how with the car finance specialists you are in safe hands as it is our job to ensure that we find you 100% guaranteed car finance. |
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